Southport Se7ens Hockey Festival

Tour Rules

Listen up, hockey fans! This page is where we lay down the law for the Southport Se7ens Hockey Festival (Norman Todd Memorial) tournament. If you’re planning on taking part, making memories and having some fun, then make sure you read these rules like your life depends on it (because let’s face it, it kinda does) because you’ll never live it down.

The information below has been adapted/changed slightly from the standard England Hockey 7-a-side Rules.

(1) Teams
  • a. The game is played between two teams.
  • b. Teams should consist of 10 player squads (default squad size).
    • i. Additional players maybe permitted for a maximum of 15 player squad at an extra cost per player.

Format: Men’s/Women’s/Masters/Juniors Teams

  • c. Seven are permitted on the pitch at any one time.
    • i. This can be a combination of
      • 1. 6 outfield players and 1 fully kitted goalkeeper.
      • 2. 7 outfield players no Keeper
  • d. The remaining players are substitutes.
  • e. Kicking backs are not permitted.

Format: Mixed Teams

  • f. Seven are permitted on the pitch at any one time.
    • i. This can be a combination of
      • 1. 6 outfield players & 1 Goalkeeper
        • a. 3 Male & 3 Female: at all times.
        • b. 1 fully kitted goalkeeper, Male or Female.
      • 2. 7 outfield players: No Goalkeeper
        • a. Minimum of 3 Females on the pitch at all times
        • b. The remaining players are substitutes.
        • c. Kicking backs are not permitted.
  • g. Only team members with wristbands will be eligible to play in the festival tournament.
    • i. Any teams breaching this rule may result in the loss of your security bond.
(2) Substitutions
  • a. Substitutions can be made from anywhere on the field of play.
  • b. Unlimited substitutions at anytime during the game, even at penalty corners and penalty strokes.
(3) Duration of Games

(Depending on the tournament format)

  • a. Format 1
    • i. Two halves, X minutes each with an interval (half-time) of not more than X minutes.
    • ii. Following half-time the two teams change ends.
  • b. Format 2
    • i. One way X mins no interval (half-time).

Details will be shared on the format of the tournament in communications before the event.

(4) Captains
  • a. The Captains toss a coin for choice of ends or possession of the ball at the start of the game.
    • i. Or first named team has centre pass.
    • ii. Or Umpire decides.
  • b. Each Captain is responsible for the conduct of all players in their team, including those on the bench: the substitutes and any spectators that may be supporting their team.
(5) The Pitch

Depending on the format of the tournament the following will be used for pitch sizes

(All measurements are approximate and subject to change)

  • a. Half Pitch
    LENGTH 55 metres
    WIDTH 43 metres
    SHOOTING CIRCLE Radius of 14.63 metres. (the same as a full-size hockey pitch)
    PENALTY STROKE SPOT 5 metres from the goal-line into the pitch
    PENALTY CORNER MARKERS 10 metres from each goal-post.
  • b. Third Pitch
    LENGTH 55 metres.
    WIDTH 26 metres.
    SHOOTING CIRCLE Radius of 10 metres, or an area designated by the organisers.
    PENALTY STROKE SPOT 5 metres from the goal-line into the pitch.
    PENALTY CORNER MARKERS 8 metres from each goal-post.
(6) Goal
  • a. Width: 3.6 meters. It must be positioned against the outer edge of the back-line in line with the centre of the pitch (goals are the same size as those used in 11-a-side hockey).
(7) The Ball
  • Standard Size and Weight FIH regulation hockey ball.
(8) The Stick
  • a. The stick shall be a standard regulation hockey stick. It shall have a flat face side and a rounded side.
  • b. The ball may be played with the flat face side of the stick or the edge of the rounded side, on condition that the flat side is visible (i.e. not flat to the turf/pitch).
  • c. It should be noted that playing the ball with the edge of the rounded side is always subject to dangerous play (i.e. it will be penalised by the umpires if it is measured to be dangerous or is leading to dangerous play).

Note: The umpires shall forbid the use of any stick that does not comply with the Rules of Hockey.

(9) Player Equipment & Clothing
  • a. All teams must have the same coloured tops and socks.
  • b. It is strongly recommended that shin-protectors and mouth-guards are worn by all outfield players at all times
  • c. No player shall wear any equipment that may be dangerous to themselves or other players. This includes raised jewellery, baseball caps with a stiffened peak (discretion of umpires) and / or any sharp object.
  • d. The use of appropriate footwear for the playing surface (trainers or turf shoes)
  • e. Suitable weather appropriate, clothing (track-suit) is encouraged.

Note: The umpires shall forbid the wearing of any equipment that does not comply with this Rule

(10) Goalkeeping Equipment

In the interest of safety, goalkeepers must wear full goalkeeping equipment including:

  • a. Full helmet with throat guard
  • b. Body protector (groin and chest areas)
  • c. Hand protectors (Foam Gloves)
  • d. Leg protectors (Leg Guards)
  • e. Feet protectors (kickers)
  • f. Abdominal guard or box Goalkeepers must also have a stick

Note: The umpires will not allow any team to play with a goalkeeper who is not properly protected.

(11) Starting and Re-starting the Game
  • a. The game is started with a hit or push or scoop taken from the centre of the centre line. It follows the umpire’s whistle as play commences at the start of each half/game, and after a goal has been scored The ball may be raised immediately using a push, flick or scoop but must not be raised intentionally using a hit.
  • b. Each team must be positioned in their own half of the pitch and the opposing players must be a minimum of 5 metres (half pitch), 3 meters (third pitch) from the ball until the centre pass is played.
  • c. The ball can be played in any direction.
  • d. The taker can use a self-pass (i.e. pass the ball to themselves)
(12) Scoring a goal
  • a. A goal is scored when the ball has been struck by, or deflected off, an attacking player while it (the ball) is in the shooting circle. It must cross completely over the goal-line between the goal-posts and under the cross-bar.
(13) Ball Outside The Field of Play
Over the side-line:
  • a. When the ball passes completely over the side-line it shall be put back into play in any direction by a hit, push, scoop or self-pass taken by an opponent of the player who last touched it. The ball may be raised immediately using a push, flick or scoop but must not be raised intentionally using a hit. This is called a side-line hit-in.
  • b. Until the hit-in is taken, no opposition player shall be within 5 metres (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) of the ball.
Over the back-line off an attacking player:
  • c. When the ball passes over the back-line off one of the attacking players and no goal is scored, the game is re-started with a hit to the defence. This is called a hit-out. The ball can be hit, pushed, scooped or a self-pass can be played. The ball may be raised immediately using a push, flick or scoop but must not be raised intentionally using a hit. The Hit is to be taken at the top of the shooting circle.
Over the back-line off a defending player:
  • d. If the ball is accidentally played over the back-line by a defending player and no goal is scored, the game is started with a hit to the attacking team on the half-way (27.5m) line and in line with the middle of the top of the D. This means the ball is in the attacking half of the pitch and therefore rule 15e applies.
  • e. The Rules relating to the taking of a free hit (15.a – 15.e) shall apply to all such restarts.
  • f. If the ball is deliberately played over the back-line by a defending player, the game is re-started with a penalty corner to the attacking team. The ball can be hit or pushed. A self pass is not permitted at a penalty corner.
  • g. The penalty corner is taken on the back-line, 10 metres (Half Pitch) 8 meters (Third Pitch) from the goal-post.
  • h. No player, other than the taker, shall be within 5 metres of the ball until it is played.
(14) Fair Play
  • a. Rough or dangerous play shall not be allowed, nor any behaviour which in the opinion of the umpire, amounts to misconduct.

Note: The Umpires shall administer a personal penalty to any player who persists in breaking this rule

  • b. Players must not intentionally use any part of their body to play the ball (except the hand to protect themselves in a dangerous situation).
  • c. Goalkeepers are permitted to use a high stick when defending a shot on goal. In both cases (i.e. outfield players and goalkeepers) it is essential that the stick is used safely and wisely.
  • d. Players must not use the rounded side of the stick when playing the ball and when striking the ball, the stick must in no way cause danger, nor lead to dangerous play, or be intimidating to any opponent.
  • e. Players must not play in any way that is dangerous.
  • f. Players must not kick the ball.
  • g. Players must not obstruct by running between an opponent and the ball, thereby unfairly preventing the opponent from playing the ball. Neither must they use any part of their body or stick to obstruct a player.
  • h. Players must not hold, charge, kick, shove, intentionally trip, or strike any player or umpire.
(15) Free Hit
  • a. Free hits are to be taken within playing distance (2/3 meters) to where the offence occurred. The ball can be hit, pushed, scooped or a self-pass can be played. The ball may be raised immediately using a push, flick or scoop but must not be raised intentionally using a hit.
  • b. The ball must be stationary at a free hit or an attempt to stop the ball before taking the free hit.
  • c. Until the free hit is taken, all opposition players must be a minimum of 5 meters (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) from the ball.
  • d. Opponents who remain within 5 meters (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) when the free hit is taken (this is very common when the self pass is used) must not interfere with the play until they have moved 5 meters (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) away from where the free hit was taken, or the ball has moved 5 meters (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch). Running alongside the taker (channelling) will be penalised as interference.
  • e. If the free hit is awarded in the half that the team is attacking, all players except the taker must be a minimum of 5 meters (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) from the ball. The ball must move a minimum of 5 meters (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) in any direction, or be touched by another player of either team, before it can be played into the circle.
(16) Penalty Corner
  • a. Penalty corners are taken on the back-line on a marker that is 10 meters (half pitch) 8 meters (third pitch) from each goal-post.
  • b. The players may choose which side of the goal to take the penalty corner.
  • c. The ball can be hit or pushed however a self-pass is not permitted.
  • d. The taker must have at least one foot off the pitch (behind the back-line).
  • e. All other attacking players must be outside the circle.
  • f. The 5 defending players (4 outfield plus Goalkeeper or 5 outfield players if no Goalkeeper) must stand behind the back-line at least 5 metres from the ball. The remaining two defending players must be in the other shooting circle – at the opposite end of the pitch.
  • g. If a defender, other than the goalkeeper, crosses the line before the attacker plays the ball, then that defender shall be sent to join their teammates in the circle at the other end of the pitch and they cannot be replaced by another defender. The penalty corner shall be taken again.
  • h. If the goalkeeper crosses the line before the attacker plays the ball, the defending team shall send one of the other defenders to join their teammates in the circle at the other end of the pitch and they cannot be replaced by another defender. The penalty corner shall be taken again.
  • i. Before any shot at the goal, the ball must first pass outside (beyond) the circle edge.
  • j. The first shot at goal whether a hit or a drag, must not cross the goal-line at above 460mm, (the height of the back-board) unless it takes a deflection off an attacking or a defending player on the way.
    • Mixed Competition: The first shot on goal must be taken by a female player on the pitch.
  • k. No shot will be allowed if it is judged as dangerous to other outfield players.
  • l. If the ball passes beyond 5 metres (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) of the circle edge, the penalty corner restrictions (Rules) shall cease to apply.
  • m. Any penalty corner awarded immediately before half or full time shall be completed.
  • n. If the penalty corner breaks down normal play should resume.
A penalty corner shall be awarded for any one of the following reasons:
  • o. A defending player accidentally committing an offence inside the circle.
  • p. A defending player deliberately committing an offence outside the shooting circle, but within their own half of the pitch.
  • q. A defending player deliberately playing the ball over their own back-line from anywhere on the pitch.
  • r. A defending player committing a deliberate offence in the shooting circle that does not prevent a probable or actual goal.
  • s. When the ball becomes lodged in a goalkeeper/player’s clothing or equipment while in the circle they are defending.
(17) Penalty Stroke
  • a. Penalty strokes are taken on the penalty stroke spot which is 5 metres from the goal-line into the pitch.
  • b. Apart from the defending goalkeeper and the penalty stroke taker, all other players must be beyond the centre-line and to one side of the pitch beyond the goalkeepers direct vision.
  • c. The goalkeeper must remain on the goal-line until the ball is played.
  • d. The taker must be positioned behind the ball and must not touch the ball a second time.
  • e. The clock is not stopped when a penalty stroke is awarded, Any penalty stroke awarded immediately before half or full time shall be completed.
A penalty stroke shall be awarded for any one of the following reasons:
  • f. An offence by a defending player inside the circle that prevents the probable scoring of a goal.
  • g. An intentional offence in the circle by a defending player against an opponent who has possession of the ball or an opportunity to play the ball.
  • h. Following a penalty stroke, play is re-started with a centre pass if a goal has been scored. If no goal is scored, play is re-started with a hit out to the defence taken at the top of the shooting circle.
(18) Incident
  • a. If the game is temporarily suspended because of an accident or injury where no offence occurred it shall be re-started with a bully close to the spot where the incident occurred.
  • b. Players must stand square of each other and prior to playing the ball and following the umpires whistle, they shall tap the ground with their stick once and tap each other’s stick above the ball once.
  • c. All non-involved players must be a minimum of 5 metres (half pitch) 3 meters (third pitch) from the ball.

NOTE: No bully shall ever be played within 14 metres (half pitch) 8 meters (third pitch) of the back-line, (inside the shooting circle).

  • d. Players who are cut or bleeding will be required to leave the pitch immediately and shall not be allowed to return until the bleeding has been suppressed or stopped.
(19) Personal Penalties
  • a. There are four types of personal penalties and three of them are supported by warning cards.
  • b. The first type of personal penalty is a verbal warning.
  • c. The second is a green card (time suspension penalty, discretion of umpire).
    • i. Examples of why this may be given are: a stick tackle for the first time; or knocking the ball away for the first time.
  • d. The third is a yellow card (time suspension penalty, discretion of the umpire).
    • i. Examples of why this may be given are: an intentional offence; a stick tackle for a second time; or knocking the ball away for a second time.
  • e. The fourth is a red card and this represents a permanent
    • i. Suspension from the match.
    • ii. Suspension from the tournament (dependant on severity of incident)
    • iii. Examples of why this may be given are: for intentionally hitting or striking out at another player.
(20) Umpires
  • a. The match shall be controlled by one or two umpires (preferably two).
  • b. The umpires are responsible for all decisions and penalties during the game.
  • c. The umpires’ decision is final.